Counting down to Bermuda's 2025 Youth Climate Summit!

Young People in Action – Waste Audit

YCS participants, together with student volunteers from Berkeley Institute’s Environmental Studies Class, took part in a school waste audit over their lunch break at the Berkely Institute. The waste audit was overseen by YCS Director, Dr. Rosemary McMahon, Education and Enforcement Officer for the Government of Bermuda, Vanese Flood Gordon, and BUEI’s Programme Educator, Joanne Ball-Burgess.

On a separate occasion, YCS participants focused on Sustainability presented to the Berkely Institute school body on their Lunch Box Initiative for waste reduction. Thanks to the financial support of our Founding Partners, HSBC and Axa XL, the Sustainability Group have been able to donate one-hundred and thirty-five stainless steel lunch containers to the Berkely Institute, replacing single use waste from the school’s hot lunch programme.
YCS participants will revisit the school later in the year for a follow-up waste audit to determine the impact their project has had on reducing the school’s waste.

Phone: (441) 292-7219


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