Counting down to Bermuda's 2025 Youth Climate Summit!

Mikaela Loach

Author, Climate Activist, Medical Student and Podcast Co-Host
Mikaela Loach is the bestselling author of It’s Not That Radical: Climate Action To Transform Our World, a climate justice activist, co-host of The YIKES Podcast, writer and 4th year medical student based in Brighton. Her work focuses on the intersections of the climate crisis with oppressive systems and making the climate movement a more accessible space.
Aware of the intersection between the refugee crisis, the climate crisisracism and the legacies of colonialism, Loach advocates for environmental justice, racial justice, sustainable fashion, and human rights issues. Her advocacy includes writing for Eco-Age and campaigning with Climate Camp Scotland.
In 2020, Forbes, Global Citizen and BBC Woman’s Hour named Mikaela as one of the most influential women in the UK climate movement. In 2021, she was one of three claimants on the “Paid To Pollute” case who took the UK government to court over the huge public payments they give to fossil fuel companies every year.
For more information on Mikaela, visit

Phone: (441) 292-7219


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