Counting down to Bermuda's 2025 Youth Climate Summit!

Sonika Poudel

Sonika Poudel
Undergraduate student of agriculture
Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Nepal

Sonika Poudel is a 21 year-old climate advocate from Nepal and a student of agriculture science at the university level. She is a member of the Youth For Environment Education and Development (YFEED) Foundation’s Board of Directors, and has served as the Program Director for the past three years.

As the current Asia Pacific Regional Focal point of Sendai Stakeholders Children and Youth Constituency of Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) and an UN ESCAP Youth Voice for Climate Action (YV4CA) climate advocate, Sonkia also works as an administrative associate with the SAARC Youth Platform. She has previously worked as the Vice President of the International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences (IAAS), Local Committee, Lamjung, and as Secretary of the Agriculture Students Liaison Forum at the grassroot level.

Sonika’s fields of specialization and expertise encompass SDGs, Climate Action, Food Security and Disaster Risk Reduction.

Phone: (441) 292-7219


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